We had a wonderful quiet Christmas - just the 7 of us. My parents visited my sister up in the cold North, and we stayed home and relaxed as much as possible.
The children enjoyed Christmas Day and are now enjoying their fun new toys and games. We are indeed most blessed with thoughtful children and thankful children.
The end of the year now approaches and with it one tends to reflect on the year prior. I know, for me, it has gone by way too fast. It has been full, that much is certain. We have much to be thankful for and couldn't possibly list everything, but I will list a few things:
1. Our new home
2. New friends
3. New church home
4. Family and friends
5. Growing, healthy children (losing teeth like crazy around here!)
So many more things.
We have been in our new home since May and while we may not be unpacked completely (and may never be, let's just be honest here), we are enjoying the new space. This coming year we hope to fill in some gaps furnishing-wise and be able to enjoy the extra space even more. I also hope for some organization that isn't present right now that will aid in our days flowing more smoothly. More discipline all around will be something we continue to work on as well. A more structured approach to our days, not w/a set schedule of things locked into time frames during the days, but more of a checklist approach. We'll see how we do with that - it's been on my mind for some time now.
I am not one to make "resolutions" - and am not starting now. Those who want to do so, that's your business :)
I look forward to 2011 and all that it may bring. I look forward to continuing to develop new friendships and spending more time w/family and friends. Spending less time worrying. Working on the house and making it even more enjoyable a home for our family. Enjoying the gifts God has placed in my life and living each day to the fullest.
May God bless you and yours in the coming days to look to the Lord each moment of each day. To remember Him always.
Grace and peace,
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
1 day ago