Well, yes, of the germy kind, unfortunately. It seems we got over that last cold mess and were well for a week or two and then we were hit again. Sigh. I guess it's that time of the year. Ugh. Mr. E finished up the antibiotics and seems to be improving, but it takes a full 10 days to a week for it to do its thing so we'll see. In the meantime, Mr. A developed a lovely runny nose - blah - and Miss A started talking about a sore throat and now sounds something like a small Darth Vader as she breathes with all the congestion - yay - Miss E, who I thought had escaped it this time around, just asked me where a full kleenex box was...sigh. Well, maybe we'll all get well and stay well longer this time.
Now, for the new sickness...fabric...not that I didn't already have it to some degree, but it was for dresses for the girls and I'd buy 2-4 yards of a particular fabric and then not have time to make the dress(es) - so I have quite a collection of large pieces of fabric. My attention of late has been toward baby quilts however and I've been looking at quite a few quilting sites and blogs for inspiration and it seems a lot of quilters purchase fat quarters and/or smaller cuts of fabrics they like and put them into their "stash". Hmm. Just what I need. Yesterday, however, I was in the fabric store and needed to get more of the floral fabric I've been working with and picked up a few other goodies to have on hand and to try along w/those pinks and browns (no, I haven't given up on it completely). So...my collection or "stash" has grown a bit, but thankfully in smaller quantities overall. Each cut is 1/2 yard except for the floral - I went ahead and got a yard of it. I like it a lot. Now to find a place to "stash" the "stash" - ha ha.
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
1 day ago
Lovely collection of fabric. I, myself, have been at the sewing machine, doing various quilting things... toward a couple of projects I have going. Will have to show them soon.
Sorry the children are sick again. It's so tough to keep little ones well especially this time of year.
I too am absolutely addicted to fabric! :-) So sorry sickness has hit the house again! Hope you are all feeling much better again soon!
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