Today we heard that Miss E's strep culture that was sent out to the lab also came back negative.
She has been holding at a temperature of 99 all day - hooray!
I, on the other hand, am back up to 102 right now....I hope tomorrow is the end of the fever. I can't remember a time I've run a "higher" temp. for so long.
Back to my cups of hot tea and cool water....and keeping an eye on everyone else...and most importantly, praying that no one else comes down with this, whatever it is, mess.
Leek and Potato Soup with Ham
1 day ago
Did they test you for H1N1? I've heard it is the prolonged high temps that are one of the differentiating factors. Will pray that you all get better soon and that it doesn't continue to spread. I've got one down today too, and hoping it doesn't go further. Blessings.
We hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!
Praying that you all will be feeling better soon.
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