Hmm, maybe that should be the name of our blog since we always seem to be on the road....
Ha, just kidding :) I did promise, didn't I? ;)
Anyway, as y'all with preachers in the family well know, preacher's families sometimes travel A LOT! We have been on the road a lot over the course of our 7.5 year marriage and this weekend was no exception.
We traveled down to Madisonville, TX to attend services at Fellowship PBC where we moved our membership recently. For those who do not know, our 3 eldest children joined the church and were baptized there just a few months ago.
Miss E joined 3rd Sunday in May and was to be baptized 3rd Sunday in June. When we went back to Madisonville 3rd in June (DH's appointment at that time), Miss A and then Mr. E both asked for a home in the church as well (good thing we brought clothes just in case - Miss A had told us she wanted to join the church for the entire month preceding, so we figured it would be best to bring clothes for her and just in case for Mr. E since we weren't sure if he might decide he wanted to as well based on some conversations he and his Daddy had had).
Somehow between going back and forth to help each of them with getting ready and then drying off afterward, I managed to get a picture of each of them before they were baptized and then we had someone take a picture afterward of the whole family. I'll include them here for those who weren't able to be with us on that wonderful day.
Here's a quick pic I took of the church house as we left after services yesterday:
Fellowship Primitive Baptist, Madisonville, TX
After services we spent a little time outside taking a few other pictures (that'll be another post since the photographed haven't seen the pics yet ;) ) and ran into a few more creepy crawlies than I care to think too long about - here's one of the most noteworthy as it was incredibly huge (yes, things in Texas are definitely bigger, but in this case, I'm not so sure I'd say better!)Now, I'm not a spider expert and honestly not interested right now in looking up exactly what kind of spider this is (Sis, got some time on your hands next week? Anyone? If you find out and find a link supporting your info, please comment here so we can all learn!), but I'd say it's some sort of very large garden spider - ick. Thanks to Steven for spotting it before I walked right into the web....and "it". (shudder)
All the children were tired and ready to head home after lunch and visiting awhile. We loaded them all up and Mr. Baby fussed for about a second and then dropped right off to sleep, whereupon he slept the whole way back home (well, except for a brief interval when we stopped at Sonic on the way out of town and I chose the worst bay to park in - next to a huge LOUD pickup - we moved to another spot, but too late, Mr. Baby was awake and crying - thankfully a sippy cup full of chocolate milk later and he was a sleepy guy again). Hooray! Amazingly, he slept through the night just fine later on as well - yay!(pay no attention to the messy car...oh wait, I cropped that part out....well, mostly)
All in all we had a very nice weekend - it was hot, but not unbearably so and we enjoyed getting to see family and visit a little bit. Hope you had a nice weekend too!
Roasted Tomato Pesto Pasta
1 day ago
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