4 whole weeks of school gone - just like that - time flies! The children are now in week 5 and fast approaching the end of their first units in grammar. Amazing how quickly we've come to this point!
Let's see....last week...
The weeks are so full, sometimes it's hard to remember what we did the week before because we're already ensconced in a new week! Maybe I'll have to try to do a recap BEFORE the new week starts from now on...but that would mean weekend blogging time - ha ha ha. Anyway...
All the basics are moving right along without much ado....math is going well, as are grammar, spelling and reading. I continue to be pleased w/the R&S grammar (English) and readers. Everyone aced their spelling tests again.
Our more "hands on/project-y" subjects of Zoology and Tapestry continue to keep us hopping....
We continued our study of birds with a bit of time spent with our bird field guide familiarizing ourselves with the layout and information available to us on each bird listed. We also conducted a scavenger hunt that will be an ongoing project until each of the children find everything on the list (some items listed are not expected to be found at the same time of year as others so this project may take a little while). We also spent some time outside watching for and listening to the few birds that were around our backyard last week. We were graced with the presence of a flock of birds that congregated on the rooftops of the houses behind us for about an hour and a half one day.
Later in the week after our study of Islam which was mainly a brief introduction, the boys constructed their own scimitars and the girls completed a flag project. Not to be outdone by the boys and miss out on the fun, the girls decided to make their own daggers and, well, you can imagine what went on for the next few hours in our house :) You can't? Well, think about it....
Here are their creations.....I don't think you want to mess with these warriors!
I think I need to add foil and electrical tape to my shopping list.....
...until next week....
Banana Split Freezer Dessert
5 days ago
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