Monday was a snow day....well, not really, but it sure LOOKED like it would snow any minute! I got up and peered out the window on my way to get Mr. Baby from his crib and it was gray, misty and COOOOOOL out! Yay! FALL IS HERE! FALL IS HERE! (imagine the groundhog from Bambi!)
Anyway, everyone else was up pretty soon thereafter and having breakfast whereupon the head of the household proclaimed we take the day off and get out of the house - we're weird that way - gloomy/rainy weather and we like to get out sometimes :) Other times we do like to stay in by a nice fire, but we'll get to that later!
So, we finished breakfast and headed the car whereupon we had to decide where to go...I suggested Turner Falls since I had been hoping to get up there and see some fall color on the trees around the Falls, CKB agreed and off we went. The drive up was nice and peaceful - the children happily engaged in a movie in the back of the van, CKB and I talking some, listening to the movie some and just enjoying all being together and the cool weather which for a change did not require blasting the a/c so high we couldn't hear the movie :)
We arrived at the Turner Falls area and there is a spot to pull off and see the Falls from a nice high vantage point - I had prepared myself that there might not be much color, if any, and it was a good thing because there wasn't you can see. Oh well. We decided we wouldn't pay admission to enter the park since it was rather windy and downright
chilly and silly me didn't wear any sort of jacket. So, we decided to go and see what the town of Davis, OK was like since we hadn't ever done that. We headed off and ended up turning down a road that touted the Arbuckle Wilderness in its direction...we found it and I think we were the only people around that day - we opted to continue on the same road and went for miles and miles and miles without a single sign to indicate what road we actually were on....we laughed and said we were having an adventure to be sure! FINALLY, we
reached civilization again and found we
had been on highway 110 all that time
heading south and ended up at Davis
after all, who knew! We headed east to
Sulphur after seeing signs for the Chickasaw National Recreation Area (I've mentioned it before and said we had hoped to go there again some day....well, this turned out to be the day!).
Upon entering the town of Sulphur, we saw a sign welcoming us from the Sulphur Primitive Baptist Church and proclaiming it to be just a bit farther on, so we detoured to see where it was and then headed on toward Chickasaw again.
We made it there after a short stop at the information area for a map. I had hesitated in the decision to go because I was thinking we ought to get home, but I'm SO glad we went on instead because it was so beautiful - trees everywhere, a lovely creek and have I mentioned the crisp, cool weather?
We drove through w/the windows down and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation. (and yes, we turned off the movie while we were driving through ;) ) Toward the end of the perimeter drive, we stopped to get out and find "Little Niagara" - we all enjoyed that - I took a few pics and then the battery on my camera died! Ack!!! Oh well, good reason to go back again as soon as we can!
We had a nice drive home coming through Gene Autry, OK, stopping by the museum (which was closed) and then back over to the main highway to pick up dinner to eat on the drive home.
Back at the homefront, CKB built a fire in the fireplace and we relaxed a little while longer before the children's bedtime (and ours!).
If you have an opportunity to take the day off sometime, DO IT! The next day we doubled up on some schoolwork and had a quiet day at home! Hope you enjoy the pics! I would've taken more, but there was the whole battery thing - ugh (and yes, I had a backup battery, but helps to make sure to CHARGE the backup too - ugh)
Roasted Tomato Pesto Pasta
1 day ago
1 comment:
Well, at least you got some pretty pictures before your battery died. Emmeline looks like she's freezing to death in that last picture. Is she as sensitive to temperature change as our Southern belles?
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