Today was a busy day. CKB was out of town today helping with some work at the church house where our membership resides. While he was away, we were busy bees as well. We started off the morning with a trip to pick up our AngelFood order. This is our first time to try the AngelFood program and the pickup and ordering process were a breeze. I was able to order online, hooray! Pickup was great - just drove up, they loaded it into the back of the van and I was off - no unloading of children to go in and so forth - yay! Then, we picked up breakfast to eat on the way back home. When we got home the children helped carry everything in by way of small toy bins - yes, this required the dumping of a few small bins so they could help out, but this way they were all busy helping and I didn't have to carry in the heavy boxes myself since CKB wasn't there to do it for me :)
After all the food was inside and put away, the older 4 watched a cartoon while I fed Miss Baby again and then we headed out for Target to look for smaller swim trunks for the boys - we got them some a few weeks ago, but after they wore them Thursday, I decided they really needed the next smaller size unless they were going into the plumber business....'nuff said.
We found trunks and looked for an inflatable pool I saw in the Target ad - they were out - the next closest store was said to have 11 according to a kind employee that checked for me. We picked up a few other things and then we were off. Went to 2nd Target, found the pool - there were 4 on the shelf - eek - and a slip 'n slide (Yes, Angela, we had to get one too - maybe the children will get the hang of it w/more practice and we'll have some slip 'n slide pros by the end of summer...maybe?) and a couple of other things I'd forgotten at the first store...what??? you never forget things???? do you shop with 5 children ages 8 and under??? Ok, I didn't think so! (well, one of you know who you are....please don't tell me you never forget things...).
Hmm, where to from there...oh yes, donation box I'd forgotten to go by on the way home from our first outing to drop off some clothes/shoes/misc. stuff that's been sitting beside my front door for many moons....well, weeks anyway. Done! Gone! Hooray! Hmm....what? It's 12:30 p.m. already??? Sigh. Off to Chick-fil-a for lunch - how do these children get hungry so fast? Inhale my food so I can feed Miss Baby while the older 4 finish up their meals.
Now what...oh yes, off to Half Price Books to turn in their summer reading logs for this past week, procure $3 gift card rewards for each and head back to the children's department - why are there books on the floor back here? - sigh - pick up books so I can roll cart w/Miss Baby through w/o rolling over books - talk to children about not leaving books lying around lest someone later think the things about us that I was thinking about whoever left those books on the floor....Mr. A has to go potty - ack - everyone goes to bathroom - leave your books OUTSIDE the bathroom, I don't think anyone will take them....sigh....take care of Mr. A - wish I'd brought the diaper bag inside instead of leaving it in the car (that's all you need to know) and head back out - MIRACULOUSLY NOONE ELSE NEEDED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM THE WHOLE TIME WE WERE OUT....methinks they should be drinking more.... (from approx. 10:30 a.m. til 2:30 p.m.!?!?!?) - pick up books from where we laid them down - finish finding a book for Mr. A and head up to the checkout counter.
Hmm...where to from here....I think we went home....yes...but I forgot, after picking up the food this morning we went through a car wash. At least that didn't require getting anyone in/out of the car AND it didn't scare Miss Baby (the noise, etc.). Whew. doesn't seem like much, but with 5 children along it took most of the day.
After we got home, again, I fed Miss Baby, then commenced setting up our water toys. Slip 'n Slide first so they could play on it while I worked on the pool. After I finally got the pool inflated, I started filling it up - it took a little bit, but that didn't deter anyone...they got in after there was about an inch of water in it :) I think we could've just left the slip 'n slide at the store - they're much more interested in the pool and had a good time playing in it for awhile while Miss Baby and I watched.'s 5-ish - had everyone step out and onto the patio, carefully walk in and line up outside the shower and began super fast shower night - you've never had one of those? Oh, you should :) Anyway, Mr. E was first, then Mr. A, then the girls - done. Never you mind the soaking wet bath mat by the shower...the puddle of wet swimsuits when everyone was done....the soggy towels everywhere, the fact that I was now soaking wet and hadn't actually been in the pool or the shower....all 4 older children were clean, had had a fun day and I did it my wayyyyyy....I mean, I took care of all of it w/o too much fussing from Miss Baby while she laid in her bed a few feet away.
Whew. So, after I made pizza for dinner, fed the children moon pies for dessert, set them down in front of "Monsters, Inc." for some "quiet time" and another feeding time for Miss Baby, everyone got ready for bed. It's 10 p.m. now...all the children are asleep....CKB should be home in about 1/2 hr. to an hr. from now if all goes well and according to the time he called me earlier to tell me he'd left the church house...and I am sitting here documenting our day.
I think I'm tired. :)
Well, I hope you enjoyed reliving the day w/me...I'm sure I left something out....but you get the gist of it....our days are certainly busy and never to visit sometime? ;) We have a "spare 'oom" - well, sort of :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Busy day
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Baby bird!
Yesterday afternoon we had an exciting discovery in our backyard. A baby bird! Well, it ended up being 2 baby birds, but we only have pictures of one of them.
CKB was getting ready to grill hot dogs for dinner and I had gone out with Miss Baby while the older children were playing a game inside. I noticed a small bird at the back corner of the yard on the base board of the fence and realized it was a very small bird...a baby bird!!!
As I walked closer to get a better look, carefully watching the baby bird, I almost stepped on its brother or sister that was in the grass! As we came closer, the baby bird on the fence board flew up and grabbed onto Miss A's shirt who had come outside and discovered the bird also. It clung to the back of her shirt for a moment and then dropped back down onto the grass and fluttered off into the neighboring yard.
Why on earth the baby birds were in our yard, I don't know. There wasn't a nest in the small tree in the back yard and no trees in the neighboring yards. A mystery!
Baby bird #2 stayed around awhile with its mouth open wide waiting for a bite to eat. After we all went back in the house, baby bird #2 didn't have a long wait - mama bird came along and fed it a worm and not long after came back with another!! What a nice treat for us to see this in our little corner of suburbia!
Now, what kind of bird is this...anyone?
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Blast from the Past
Miss E has been known to compose a poem or two in her day.
I ran across this one yesterday and with her permission will share it with you.
"My Thoughts After Our Mice Were Taken Away"
My heart is dark as night.
No light can shine in.
If only our mice were here.
The End.
- Miss E, copyright 2007
Miss E wrote this in February of 2007 after we had to get rid of the pet mice. We found a new home for them with some people who already had a couple of mice and were looking to add to their "mouse family" - the mice weren't working out well as "pets" for us.
Anyway...such drama from a 6 year old, eh? She's 8 now and said she does not remember writing the poem. I'm so glad we still have it to enjoy.
Care to Leave?
:) Ok, so it's a bit of a stretch for a catchy title....
Today we studied about leaves in Botany - yes, summer is the time for catching up and continuing onward and upward.
We have 2, count'em, 2 trees in our yard. One in the front and one in the back. They are both very small, but at least they have a few leaves on them and bark for rubbings.
Here are the two leaves we took from the trees for identification - we think we're spot on, but we are open for correction if someone out there is a better botanist than we are :)
Care to take a stab at it and see if you get the same results?
Here they are and yes, sorry, the pics do say what we think they are (in case you wanted it to be a mystery until you had a chance to try to identify them yourself!)
By the by, after talking with my Dad earlier today, I looked at some pictures of a southern red oak and I don't believe this leaf is as "skinny" and so forth as the southern....anyway...when you have time, Dad, take a look at the pictures and then see what you think it might be, ok?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
TOG bog
Well, after trying to do TOG last year, we didn't get very far. I just couldn't get out of the "fog" I guess. But, with renewed determination we're pressing on over the summer and hope to be ready for Yr. 2 come Fall. I have a book order in and am waiting for it - somehow I only had ordered books for Unit 1 of Yr 1 - duh - and am waiting on the rest to come. We're doing "TOG LITE" for the summer and can't wait for all that it will hold as well as Yr. 2.
Thanks to my big sister for all her encouragement and the talks we've had about all of this.
I'll update after we get back into things and show you a little of what all we're doing/reading mostly/etc. :)
Now, back to it!
Miss Baby is done w/her 10 days of amoxicillin for her ear infection. The boys, however, still have a few days to go.
The good news - the coughs are better, just need to finish out the medicine. Everyone is sleeping well at night - hooray - and I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of this sickness. I'm even feeling better finally. Yay.
Just thought y'all might like to know. :D
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Conversations with Mr. A
Around 3 o'clock today I hear the call of Mr. A:
Mr. A - Mama, I'm done with my naaaa-aaaap.
CAB - (I go into the room and turn on the light as Mr. A gets out of bed)
Mr. A - Mama, can I go outside?
CAB - Not right now, it's still pretty hot out there, maybe after awhile.
Mr. A - Where are my friends?
CAB - Do you mean your brother and sisters?
Mr. A - Yes.
CAB - :) They're out there (ie, in the den/hall/bedrooms, etc.)
Mr. A - Oh. Can I play Gameboy?
I love how Mr. A calls his siblings his "friends" - none of the other children did this when they were little. It's incredibly sweet and exactly what I hope for them all to be throughout their lives - friends.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lest I forget...Conversations with Mr. E
Last night in the kitchen at medicine time:
Mr. E - Daddy, what happens to the garbage?
CKB - Well, some of it gets put into a big hole and then eventually they cover it up with dirt.
Mr. E (very matter-of-factly) - So, they bury it.
CKB looks over at me - I look at him - we grin and think, BOY HOWDY, this boy is smart! :)
CKB - Yes, Mr. E, they bury it.
Silly CKB for not just saying so in the first place, eh? ;)
Sick and Tired
That's me. I'm sick and very tired. With a house full of sick children on top of being sick myself, well, I'm worn out. We've been to the Dr. twice (3 times if you count a well check visit last Wed.) and I'm tired. We seem to be in the car all day the past couple of times we've headed out. Today the appt. was at 11, but they didn't get us in until 11:45 - we didn't get home until 2:15 p.m. after a trip to the pharmacy and the dr. visit.
Let's see - Miss Baby - ear infection in right ear
Mr. E - ear infection in right ear, runny nose, cough
Mr. A - ear infection in right ear, croup (with alternating stuffy/runny nose and horrible cough)
All the right ear - weird.
Anyway, Miss A has a runny nose, but her ears look fine (thank you Dr. F for looking while we were there today and not charging extra). Miss E - no symptoms - thankful SOMEONE is well in this house.
Myself - who knows, a cold, I don't feel great, sinus stuff, whatever, anyway, no Dr. for me - no time, too tired, etc. etc. etc.
The top shelf of our fridge looks like a pharmacy with all the bottles of amoxicillin for the 3 with ear infections...Oh, for the end of the next 10 days and I pray, wellness for a long while!
Since the girls are pretty much clear, we continue onward however and will be heading back out in a few mn. for Miss E's piano lesson at 4 p.m. and then swimming lessons for the girls after that.
As it turns out, my friend that was going to watch the younger 3 during the girls' lessons is now going to teach the girls in the pool at her house - hooray - saving us big bucks - thanks again V! The girls had their first lesson last night and both enjoyed it very much.
Ok, I better run for now - we head out again in about 15 mn. and if I had the energy to take pictures and the guts to share them, I'd show you how both of our couches are covered in mountains (yes, Mountains Gandolf!) of laundry and the children's school tables have exploded with craftiness and well, believe it or not the sink is pretty empty of dishes, but...well...that's because we ate lunch out day, maybe tomorrow, we won't have to go to the Dr. and I'll get something done around here...until then....we continue on....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Goings On
Well, Miss Baby had her 4 month checkup yesterday. She's doing great. 13 lbs. even, 24 3/4 in. long. Early onset stranger anxiety ;) which apparently is typical for girls. Rolling to at least one side, laughing up a storm, she's on track and ahead of things.
Only downside is she has a cold. Poor girl has had a stuffy nose the past few days or so and it turned into a runny nose yesterday afternoon and through the night and still this a.m. I pray this is short lived, she just seems so miserable with it. She slept pretty well last night, only waking once in frustration with the runny nose mess, but settled herself back down pretty quickly and slept the rest of the night. I slept less, on red alert listening for gagging, etc. from the drainage. Sigh.
I have successfully gotten Miss E and Miss A signed up for swimming lessons. This will be their first time for lessons, first time in a pool, etc. We bought suits yesterday. Miss E wanted to know where the ones with sleeves were....we bought shorts to wear over the suits. They start June 15 and will have 30 mn. lessons each day. The classes are 2 children maximum, which we were very happy about, and they're guaranteed to be able to swim across the shallow end by the end of the week, or we get another week free for another go at it. I'm hoping that won't be necessary. A good friend is going to watch Mr. E, Mr. A and Miss Baby for me during the lessons every day that week - did I say, a "good" friend? A FABULOUS friend!
Mr. E wants to take lessons too - we'll see how it goes w/the girls first, then see about it for later in the summer.
Hmm, Miss E started back to piano lessons yesterday - she will be focusing on technique this summer (June/July) with this teacher. She said she liked the new teacher (who is the daughter of her regular teacher).
Mr. A is doing very well w/potty training 101.
Lots of summer church meetings coming up - I think we're planning on at least 3 and they're each 2 weeks apart - just enough time to rest and recover, maybe, before the next one!
Well, I better run, Miss Baby has fallen asleep on my lap while I was typing this!
What's going on w/everyone else out there/
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Quote of the day
Miss E started back to piano lessons today and the rest of us, sans CKB, waited in the van today.
Whilst doing so, Miss Baby started to get a little fussy - big sister Miss A to the rescue entertained her.
Mr. E - "Miss A, where did you learn to train babies?"
Monday, June 1, 2009
Memorial Day 2009 - Belated
A belated Memorial Day to you all.
I was reading up on Memorial Day and ran across this on Wikipedia - I don't believe I've ever read this before and perhaps you haven't either. I recommend you take a moment and do so now.
Memorial Day Order
Headquarters, Grand Army of the Republic Washington, D.C., May 5, 1868
I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form or ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.
We are organized, comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose, among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foe? Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their death a tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the Nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and found mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of free and undivided republic.
If other eyes grow dull and other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain in us.
Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude,--the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.
II. It is the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to call attention to this Order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.
III. Department commanders will use every effort to make this order effective.
By command of: JOHN A. LOGAN, Commander-in-Chief.
After reading this, especially the highlighted portion, I was reminded of a line from the "Lord of the Rings" movies. After a battle, King Theoden speaks the following:
"Hail the victorious dead!"
Once more, I am so very thankful for the service of my grandfather in WWII (and his return home), my father-in-law in Korea (and his return home), and my father in Vietnam (and his return home). I am thankful for all those who have served that we might be free.

On a lighter note:
As is our custom around here, we picked up Old Navy flag t-shirts again this year and donned them for a Memorial Day family picture.
We took it inside this year because we decided to stay home and it was tooo sunny in the backyard when we were ready for the picture. Later, CKB grilled hot dogs and we ate at our new picnic table.
The Saturday prior we'd been at a birthday party and witnessed this same picnic table come together rather quickly. I found out they were the ones from Home Depot - I'd seen them out front before, but thought that you could just buy them pre-assembled and since we are sans truck, figured this wasn't an option for us. As it turns out, they are sold in a "kit" with everything pre-cut and the bolts, etc. all already in place. The instruction packet that came with it advertised "5 minute assembly" and it didn't even take 5 mn. after CKB got the table out of the box. Voila, we have a picnic table - hooray! No picture, sorry, maybe another post.
Sorry this is late. We've been busy.