Yesterday was Valentine's Day. In years past we've celebrated this holiday minimally. Never the same thing twice.
This year, I was showered with love from all the children with some gifts they picked out on a shopping trip w/their Daddy. Totally unexpected. So thoughtful and sweet. I am blessed above measure!
Miss A made handmade cards in the style of years gone by with lace-edged hearts. Mr. E made a sweet heart card with tic tac toe boards inside and dot to dot games, as well as a word search he came up with. So fun! Miss E wrote fun poems in hers and Little Miss drew pictures and wrote greetings with the help of her big brothers and sisters. Mr. A was full of hugs and kisses and sweet heart cards. All from their hearts, all for me. I know I don't deserve such, but am thankful for these precious gifts of love and the precious gifts from God that are a constant source of joy in my life.
I hope you had a wonderful day filled with love as well!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Showered with Love
Thursday, December 6, 2012
First Silhouette Project - finally!
Well, here we are...almost to Christmas and over the past few weeks I finally started learning to use my Christmas present from last year. I know, I know, for shame. The present...a Silhouette Cameo...patiently waiting in its box for me to get it out and give it a whirl. It was past time.
Well, things have been busy, what can I say.
Here's what I decided to do for my first project. With five children, you'd think just getting everyone their own cup color would be enough, right? Well, not around here...the cups kept getting put here, there, and yonder, and then the question of "is this cup clean?" inevitably came up... So, a while back I found a drawer organizer "tray" at Target that was just the right size to corral those cups. What's the old saying...a place for everything and everything in its place? If only this was happening in the rest of the house...
So, I jazzed it up a bit this morning and added some vinyl!
Here's the end result - what do you think? All of those cups hang out daily in the corral, and no more missing/lost cups. :)
Now that I have the hang of my Silhouette Cameo, it's time to get working on some other projects I've been dreaming up over the past...ahem...year. At least I made something before this Christmas, right? :)
Monday, October 15, 2012
Quote of the Day
Grapes were on sale last week, so I picked up a few bunches. Little did I know, there would be quite a few sour ones in the bunch.
After eating one such sour grape, Mr. A declared, "The sour grapes make my mouth feel like an old man."
Love that boy!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Staples, you are a friend of mine
Well, here I am again to sing the praises of Staples and their superb customer service.
I went to get a few things today, and after I got home went right to the computer to fill out my easyrebates online before I forgot to do them!
While on the website, I decided to go check out my Staples Rewards account and noticed on my 7/29 transactions that only half of my 2 pocket folder purchases were credited under the "rewards" column. Now, mind you, that's a grand total of $.10 but you know what..I was curious. So, I got on live chat to ask. They said I needed to call the Rewards center and talk to them, and provided the phone number, so I did. The woman I spoke to was great, looked up my account and found the transactions I was referring to, and saw the discrepancies, then said, well, that would be a total of $.10, right? I said yes, and that I knew it was just $.10, but it adds up, so I wanted to find out why it didn't credit correctly. She said, well, how about I send you a $1.00 coupon to use in the store? I said, "Sure" and she said that it would be on its way and arrive at my house soon. Wow! If I wasn't already impressed, I would be now.
Already impressed? Yes...wanna know why? When I started my Back to School Shopping back a few weeks ago, the guy in the store that day signed me up for the wrong Rewards card, a regular one, instead of a Teacher card, even after I'd told him that was what I needed. Add to that the fact that he said I should go to the website to fill in my info. like phone number, etc. because "It'd be more accurate" if I did it that way. I didn't question it because it wasn't a big deal to me. Fast forward to the next time I'm in the store, I had gone to the website to fill in my info. whereupon I saw that I had been signed up for a regular card, not a teacher card. So, I opened a Teacher card online, and wrote down the number so I'd have it the next time I went to the store. In the following weeks, they never could pull up my account w/my phone number like they should've been able to and I think I know why, because of the two accounts. Well, after a few weeks passed, I decided to look at my "rewards summary" and see how much I'd been credited thus far by making purchases and using my card, it wasn't much b/c mostly I'm shopping the sales and extreme deals, but it was beginning to add up. I did notice though that my very first transaction was missing...yes, the one the day I got the "regular" card. So, after a quick online chat, I called the Rewards center to see what I could see. The customer service agent that day was very pleasant as well. I explained about the regular card, the guy at the store wanting me to fill things in at home, me checking and finding I hadn't been given a Teacher card, the whole sha-bang. She listened, then gave me my options. Basically the best thing would be to close the regular account, but the transaction that I'd made the day I got the regular card could not be "moved" to the Teacher card. Sad me. I expressed my disappointment at this fact, and asked if there was anything that could be done in that regard, she said no, once a receipt/transaction is "attached" to a card, it doesn't matter if the card/account is closed or not, the transaction cannot be put onto another card. Bummer. Then, the customer service agent said, how about I send you a Rewards coupon for $5 for your trouble and to cover the amount you should've received w/the receipt we can't put on your Teacher card? I have to say I was thrilled because she and I both knew that the credit would've only been a small amount....I can't recall right now, but I don't know that it was even a whole dollar. I was "wow-ed" and have been again today.
I highly recommend Staples. They offer many great deals and I really like that they have REBATES, checks mailed to you, or put into your paypal account, not a program where you can only use the monies in their store in the distant future. And, I have already received three notices that my rebates are on their way from a few weeks back! So, if you haven't already, check out Staples! They're having some great deals and check out my previous post about how I am doing a few extra transactions if I have a few of my children along to help out...hey, they're the ones using all these supplies, right? And, to be quite frank, they like helping and making a purchase "on their own" as I oversee to make sure everything is going smoothly. :)
Happy shopping! And, go to Staples!
**Not that anyone would think I was, but just in case, I am NOT paid to endorse Staples, I'm just a very happy customer!**
People of Walmart
Have you heard about the website entitled "People of Walmart"? A friend told me about it a few years ago and I was not surprised to see a few frightening images there of folks that apparently had their picture taken in the midst of their Walmart shopping trips. I did fear at first that there might be one of me on there w/my "MOM" face or something, but boy was I in for a surprise as to what it really was all about.
Fast forward to at Walmart w/my youngest, age 3, looking at the clearance rack of boys' clothes and half noticing a woman w/her children across the rack, but not paying them too much attention until Little Miss asks right out loud in her sweet voice..."Mama, why does that lady have that all over her?"
Me - "What?" as I glance across at the woman again, trying to figure out what Little Miss might be referring to. I noticed a few things it could be...sequins on shirt...anyway, back to Little Miss..."I don't know honey" as we moved away w/our cart Little Miss decides it's time to clarify and says "those needles, Mama, why does she have THOSE?"
I was glad to be moving away at this point, but again answered her that I had no idea. The woman in question was sporting two facial piercings....I too wonder why on earth she had "those needles" on her face.
Out of the mouths of babes ;)
Monday, July 30, 2012
$12.58 for a ton of School supplies at Staples for 2012 - 2013 school year - great deals!
This year, I've been keeping up with the school supply deals at Staples each week. Items for a penny? Well, it caught my eye, that's for sure!
Here's a run down of my purchases for this week....I had 4 separate transactions this time. My sweet boys and youngest girl were along, so we had 4 customers to do these deals. Hope it's helpful to someone...I know it's going to be such a blessing to us to get all these supplies for such a small amount!
TRANSACTION #2 - identical to #1 (I got the bundle of 2 Sun. papers so I had 2 of the RoseArt coupons)
TOTAL $4.52
1 Ream Staples printer paper $6.99 (met my $5 min. right there)
Total w/tax: $7.76
EasyRebate (you can do this online - super easy - get a check mailed, have it deposited into a paypal account, whatever.) -$5.99
TOTAL after rebate: $1.77
TRANSACTION $4 - identical to #3 (limit of 2 rebates per household, btw)
TOTAL after rebate: $1.77
So, there you have it. Feel free to check my math, I didn't get enough sleep last night, LOL, and told a few friends about my deals with my before tax total ;) Ah well. Now, I just can't wait 'til next week's ad :)
Happy shopping!
If I'd caught the 2 BIC coupons in my papers, I'd have used those on the BIC mechanical pencil transactions (1 on each probably) and saved $2 additional - oh well! Hopefully next week something from BIC will be on sale, or at least before those coupons expire!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Where, oh where, have we been?
Well, here, of course. We're just busy :)
I just purchased our new flag shirts for this year's annual traditional picture and picnic and realized how long it's been since I've posted here on any regular basis. I miss it. It just seems I don't have long, quiet respites much these days to ponder life and post long ramblings about our happenings, complete with the requisite pictures I enjoy so much. Maybe that will change in the days to come...maybe it won't. Time will tell.
For now, know I *do* plan to at the very least update our photo at the top in about a week. Yes, Memorial Day is coming :)
Is anyone still out there? We're here.
Busy week for us began this past Saturday morning.
Piano recital for the big girls.
Sunday services.
Monday evening - Mr. E's Cub Scout Pack Graduation - where have the past 2 years of Cubs gone?
Tuesday - super fabuloso exciting fun day planned - stay tuned.
Wednesday - birthday party for a sweet young friend.
Thursday - piano lessons and library outing
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Overheard just now - 4 children in den, 1 practicing piano in another room. The conversation turned to God and questions:
Miss A: "Something I've always wanted to ask God is how he can see everything at the same time."
Mr. E: "Well, don't bother writing a letter."
Mr. A: "You can ask one day when you're dead. I mean, when you're in heaven." :)
Sayings...from the crew
While Mr. A was working in one of his school books this morning which required scissors and cutting, Miss Baby came over to see what he was up to:
Mr. A: "Stay back! This is not for babies! Baby Ladies, that is." :)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Pick Me Up Bouquet - no flowers required!
Y'all have heard of the "pick-me-up bouquets" FTD, and other florists have available, right? Well, tonight, I received a "pick-me-up bouquet" that didn't involve flowers!
As I sat down to check schoolwork at the girls' table, I finished up one's work, then was feeling tired, thinking about how I'd like to go sit on the couch and rest, then my eyes fell on the table and a drawing...but the paper sticking out from under the edge was what really caught my was titled "Christmas List for Others" and had a list of names down the left hand side..... Thank you Lord for that pick me up! I am so blessed!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Music to a Teacher-Mom's ears!
"Mama, I like doing schoolwork. It's fun!" - sayeth Mr. A - my sweet Kindergarten boy as he stands holding his new math book (Math U See Primer) :) Music to this Mama's ears!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Couponing at CVS tonight - found Clearance items!
I went to CVS tonight to pick up a 2 pack bundle of the Sunday paper, and decided to look around a bit while I was there. I didn't plan to do any coupon deals while there, but just to see what all might be on sale, etc. before I went home and looked over the ad/paper.
I was glad to find some things on clearance that we could use though and picked up the following items:
CVS Super Advanced toothbrush - clearanced for $.69 (reg. price $2.77)
CVS Children's Decongestant Nose Drops - clearanced for $1.17 (doesn't expire 'til 6/2013!) (reg. price $4.69)
Ghirardelli Chocolate - Intense Dark 60% Cacao 3.5 oz. bars - clearanced for $.92 (reg. price $3.69)
Softlips 2 pack pearl and cherry - clearanced for $1.12 (reg. price $4.49)
Purchased 3 toothbrushes, 2 Decongestants, 2 Chocolate bars, and 5 Softlips (stocking stuffers!!) -
$11.85 spent (not including tax) - reg. price would've been $47.52 - saved $35.67 (75% savings)
More Couponing
I've continued to have the "coupon bug" and decided it was time to get organized if I was going to keep the coupons from the papers and actually use some of them, so I have crossed over into the "coupon craze" realm - at least that's how it was referred to when I called Hobby Lobby to see if they had any baseball card sheet protectors to put in a binder and the lady asked if I was part of the "coupon craze" - LOL. If it's a craze, so be it, much worse crazes to be a part of, LOL.
So, I had a 1 in. binder on hand and put in the protectors and started sorting coupons and putting them in. It was a big job b/c I've been saving them from papers for about a month or so and not done any organizing yet. I'm not done yet, but I definitely made a dent in them, especially the "food" coupons. I left the non-food ones in regular envelopes for now, but sorted in categories so I can pull out the envelope and just sort through them - for now. I was tired of sorting and cutting and what not and Miss Baby was up from her nap, which meant chaos when you have little pieces of paper all over the dining room table ;)
So, I made my first 2 store trips - armed w/my binder - yes, I took it in w/me - I felt a little self-conscious, but I got over it pretty quickly. Inside in the front pocket I had 2 small envelopes labeled w/the store names (my first two stops were Target and Wal-mart) and a spiral notebook sitting in the front w/my lists for each store. On each list I had the items I needed to get, how many to get, and the coupon value. Then, on a separate little page stapled to the spiral notebook page, I had my other items that were non-coupon items listed out. It went pretty smoothly, although it took me a lot longer to shop for even the few items I was getting b/c I was trying to be very careful to get the right things and make sure I was getting exactly what the coupon said so I wouldn't have any issues at the register.
So, moment of truth - the checkout!
I went to Target first b/c I only had 1 "cold food" item, bacon. I loaded my items on the belt, maybe 20 things, and waited for the checkout. Then gave her my Target coupons first, some were giving some kind of error on the screen. The checker didn't seem to notice and kept on scanning, although the coupons weren't being taken into the system and deducted. She then noticed and we made sure to get all of them in the system, and then I had manufacturer coupons also - turns out she wasn't even a checker usually, so I had to explain to her that I could use a manuf. and a Target coupon on the same item according to their coupon policy and she then scanned those in. If I did the math correctly when I returned home, I saved about 20% on the items I bought.
Off to Wal-mart (for future trips, I will bring a cooler w/those ice packs for food from first store) - took my Target bag of bacon w/receipt in and asked greeter if I could take it in w/me - showed her the Target receipt - she seemed a bit wary, but said it was ok, so off I went. Again, took me longer than normal in there, but I got what I needed. Got to checkouts, looked through coupons again to make sure I had the right ones in the envelope and realized I'd only gotten 1 item that I'd had 2 coupons for, but didn't feel like leaving the line to go get another, so just took that coupon out (it wasn't like it was going to be free or anything that fabulous ;) ) - checkout went ok. Later when I got home I found one error - was charged for key limes instead of regular limes to the tune of about $.25 extra, but lesson learned is that I need to watch more closely while things are being scanned in future. Saved around 20% here too.
Not the "extreme" couponing you see on the tv show, but 20% aint bad compared to not saving anything and just paying full price for everything, right? I plan to try again on our shopping trip for the next week and see how it goes. I also hope to explore shopping Kroger some.
Any tips/advice are always appreciated as I am new to using coupons at all - I always thought I should be, but never remembered to bring them w/me, or had them in my purse and forgot to get them out. The binder is a very visible reminder to USE the coupons you have!
Oh, and I was encouraged by the fact that I saw quite a few folks w/coupons in hand or those expandable coupon files and best of all, a man in the checkouts price matching w/his ads all laid out! So, I wasn't the only one out there trying to save a few bucks and I was thrilled to save some $ last night!
Who have you taken time getting to know better lately?
Mothers in Israel.
I know a lot of them and am blessed to see them often. Recently I have been able to spend more time w/one in particular and found we have some common interests/hobbies. She and her husband came to spend a day with me and the children and she spent time teaching the girls to begin crocheting. We had a wonderful visit and it has deepened our bond as family in Christ. It is even sweeter to see her face each Sunday we are blessed to be in services w/her. I am very thankful for her. Today she brought me a bag of sewing goodies from her stash that she was ready to part with - I am already making plans for them! I don't know if she knows how blessed I feel to have her in my life, but I plan to tell her.
Often it is easier to sit w/the same folks each Sunday at lunch after services and visit - those around our own age perhaps; others with children going through the same "time of life" as we are, but I have often found a great blessing in remembering to also visit with those that are older and have "been there" and those that are younger and spend time getting to know them better as well. It's hard sometimes to step outside our comfort zone, but the rewards are always worthwhile, in my humble experience.
I am thankful for my church family - they are not all closeby, but close in my heart. We have church family at a number of locations across the country and are thankful for every one of them!
Just some random thoughts :)
Friday, August 19, 2011
New School Year Approacheth....and fast!
Monday we will begin the 2011-2012 school year, Lord willing.
Very excited to get started full swing again. We did school some over the summer, but took the past few weeks off to relax, or so I thought. :) Those year round schoolers may be onto something. Too much free time is not a good thing for anyone! Idle hands????
Anyway! Everything is either here and ready to go, or on its way. We have a few loose ends from last year's materials to finish up first though, so I'm not stressing about not having all the new stuff just yet.
I wonder, in public schools, if they don't finish the textbook for the year, do they ever carry over the next year and finish? I kind of doubt it. Anyway, that's what we'll be doing - finishing, then continuing on! Love our flexibility to do whatever needs to be done to fit our children.
Thankful to the Lord for all our blessings - our wonderful children - freedom to school our children in our own private school here at home - for so many things. May the Lord richly bless you and yours in this 2011-2012 school year!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Coupon Much?
Yes, I know, it's been eons since I posted. I got on FB and somehow it was just quicker/easier or so it seems. When I blog, I like to add pictures and it's not as easy to do w/our current pc setup.
However, here I am....
Recently, I have become re-interested in trying to use coupons to save our family $ on purchases and while I'd like very much to pay $2.00 for a shopping cart full like they do on those extreme coupon shows, I don't think that's going to happen.
I did, however, use a few coupons today and it's the small victories, right? It all adds up.
Target purchase:
Market Pantry hot dog buns: $.99
Scotch magic tape: .60 (on sale!)
Manufac. Coupon: -1.00
Total out of pocket for buns and tape: $.59
That wasn't a big extreme deal, but hey, we use tape!
The older girls were with me, and both did the same transaction - why sep. transactions? The coupon said 1 per transaction on the Target store coupons we had - there was one for Scotch tape for $.50 we used on the other transactions along w/the manuf. coupons. Even better deal! $1.50 off the $.60 tape (which is why we put the buns w/the tape for the transaction, I only had 2 of the Target store coupons though b/c that's all the coupon site would allow to be printed. I keep thinking how fun it would've been if I'd given the $.50 off coupon to Miss A to use along w/the $1.00 off on her order ($1.00 manuf. and $.50 Target coupon), then her total would've been $.09 - oh well, still received the savings, just on my big checkout.
So, there's my "extreme" couponing for the day, LOL. Don't get too jealous!
Friday, June 17, 2011
What are they teaching them?
Tonight, as I often do on Friday night, I called to order pizza for dinner.
When it came time for the credit card info. and expiration date, I was amazed YET AGAIN when after telling the guy the expiration date in words, ie, June 2024 (not the real date, but you get the gist) - he then asked - can you tell me that in the numbers on the card? To which, after pausing in disbelief I replied 0624.
This is NOT the first time and I fear will not be the last. One time I said October and the guy asked, "Uh...what number is that?" Really? What are these children of today, the working folk of today and the future being taught in school...anything important that will help them in their lives? Yes, I know that this is pretty small potatoes, but it's one of those basic things....and if the basics are missing, what else is missing?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Cub Scout Pack Graduation, that is!
Mr. E has completed his first year of Cub Scouts. It's been a lot of fun! Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, Cake Decorating Contest for the Blue & Gold Banquet, weekly meetings w/outdoor fun afterward each week (his favorite part of things). All of this culminated in the end of year Pack Graduation. Grandma and Grandpa were able to be here for the graduation as well. Our little now a Wolf! Watch out! The next year looks to be a lot of fun too!!! Here are a few pics from graduation night :) Enjoy!!
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Last awards as a Tiger! |
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Out with the old, in with the new - Wolves!!! |
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A good lookin' bunch of Wolves!! |
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Our Wolf! :) |
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
My sweet bunch of blessings blessed me once more with an outpouring of their love, tonight, since tomorrow we will be out and about most of the day. They are so sweet and thoughtful and made me beautiful cards. I found out I am the best Mama in the universe, wow. I am humbled they think so, and thankful for their sweet, pure love for and to me. Me! I don't deserve them at all, but thank God He thought I and Chris were the best to raise each one of them and gave them to us. I love them all so much.
Tonight when I laid Miss Baby into her crib and told her I loved her, she said "I luz zhuuu" - I love her so very much, too!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Laundry sorting - the boys
Overheard in the laundry room just now:
Mr. A (age 4.5) to Mr. E (age 7): Those don't go in there, they go in colors. (said w/much expression in his voice) :)
(They're bringing down their dirty laundry and sorting it - Mr. A appears to be the expert! :) )
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy 9th Birthday Miss A!
Haven't been doing a lot of blogging of late, because I can't seem to blog w/o adding pictures! And, pictures take more time than I seem to find these days, however, today is a blogworthy day!
Miss A turns 9 today! NINE! Where is the time going to? Recently I pulled out clothes from Miss Baby's closet that Miss A and Miss E used to wear - size 3T - how long ago it seems that Miss A was 3, but then it seems like yesterday.
Miss A is a wonderful blessing to our family - full of joy, ready with a smile, a tremendous helper to all, loving to her siblings and all she is close to. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out and we love her so very much!
Happy Birthday Miss A!!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Miss Baby Likes to Sing!
Miss Baby is quite the singer these days - when I sing to her at bedtime some favorites such as "What Wondrous Love is This" she sings along "Oh my soul, Oh my soul, Oh my soul" throughout the song. "Twilight is Stealing over the Sea" - she sings along pretty well at naptime on this one as well.
Also, some oldies but goodies like: The Itsy Itsy Fider, Rock the Baby and Variations such as "Rock the Baby on the Hippo" (or whatever other animal we read about in "Wild Animal Babies", Ween-tle Ween-tle Little Star, and more! We love Miss Baby so much!!! She is precious :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Untitled, by Miss E
Untitled, by Miss E
Why dost some birds not fly?
They were created by God,
To stay down, not in the sky.
For such things were they shod.
Why dost some birds not land,
'cept in the chimneytops?
They were not at all created
Like the little bird that hops.
copyright 2011, Miss E, age 10
Monday, March 14, 2011
I saw them!
Just barely, but I saw them! What, you ask? Not leprechauns, silly, BLUEBONNETS!
Barely showing their beauty above the grass, today I spotted some along the highway - joy of spring! I look forward to the wildflowers each year - their beauty covers the countryside and I am filled w/joy at the beauty of God's hand - not Mother Nature as so many continue to uphold this fable, but of GOD'S mighty hand. That He would allow us their beauty! - what will Heaven be like? Untold beauty for us to behold as we praise His Holy name every moment.
They bloom for such a short time, but I'll endeavor to enjoy them every moment and not take them for granted as I drive about the countryside or better yet, walk, stroll, meander, drinking in their beautiful perfume - oh yes, they do have a lovely perfume - find a field of bluebonnets and wander out into it if you doubt me. Lovely lovely lovely.
I saw them, today! They're coming in their full beauty very soon and I can't wait to see them standing tall along the highways!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Miss Baby needs an "O" - do you?
A little bit ago Miss Baby handed me her sippy cup and said "I need an O" - I asked her what she needed...she answered again, "I need an O, Mama, I need an O" - it was then that I realized she was pointing to the package of reinforcement labels I was about to put away. You know those things, right, the little "O" shaped stickers you put on pages that you've hole punched that have become torn at the holes and need reinforcing w/the little stickers? :) I had given her one earlier, and apparently she'd misplaced it. Upon seeing the package, she made sure I knew she needed another "O" - I laughed and gave her one...then another....she is now decorating the front of the oven...hmm. :) She's so much fun!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Update on brother-in-law
I am happy to report that my brother-in-law is doing much better! He isn't out of the woods yet, as they say, but at approximately a month post-surgery, he started back to work 1/2 days this past Monday. He still has lots of doctor visits to keep an eye on him and his progress, and the hope of a successful 2nd surgery in approximately 16 weeks. Please continue in prayer for him during this time of recovery.
The past few weeks have been hard on the whole family, as you may well imagine. Our parents have been able to be there to help my sister w/the children and duties around the house (for those who don't know, my sister and her family live on approx. 3 acres and have goats, chickens, dog, cat, etc. to care for). They also homeschool their 3 children, in addition to various extra activities. My sister is tired and worn out - she needs our prayers now more than ever - Dad is heading home tomorrow. Mom is staying on for a little while longer and I'm so thankful for that.
Please continue to pray for the family - the children are all sick again (2nd time recently, that I'm aware of) and there's always so much to do, as they try to find their new "norm" in the days and weeks to come.
Thank you!! Anyone that wishes to send a card or email w/encouraging words, holler in the comments and I'll get the info. to you!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A song by Miss E
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Please pray for my brother-in-law
Two days ago my brother-in-law went to the hospital w/extreme pain and ended up having emergency surgery that evening. His situation was extremely grave. I am thankful to report that he is doing well now. He will be in the hospital 5-7 days, then home to rest and recover. After a period of approximately 20 weeks, he will have another surgery. Please pray for him, for my sister, for my nieces and nephew, and for my parents that have driven up to be with them and help out in whatever way they can. What a blessing that they are able to do this! Praise God for getting my brother-in-law to the hospital in time for treatment!!
Please continue to pray - he has a long road ahead of him yet.