With school time for the older children comes a need to have something to occupy Mr. A, resident 2 year old. Going to play in his room or the den with the toys in either place only keeps him occupied for so long, not to mention being the youngest of 4, he's used to having someone to play with!
Therefore, Mr. A's official studies began recently with a "formal" introduction to the alphabet. By that, I mean that he already knows quite a few letters by sight, but we are now methodically going through each letter and making sure he knows it before moving on to a new letter. He has his own "desk" and gets to use all the fun school stuff that everyone else is using. Mr. A is a happy little man!
He knows "A" cold, so we proceeded to "B" the other day. He originally said "O" when I showed it to him :) I think he was seeing the "holes" in the capital "B" at first. By the end of the day after some reinforcement and a few activities he has "B" down pat as well. We will review and then move on to a new letter as he shows mastery of each and by the end of the "school year" he should know them all....or by Christmas...who knows!
Here is his letter wall where we display each letter that he colors, paints, etc.
Here is a recent project for the letter "B" - Brown Beans! He really enjoyed gluing on the beans and later I found one stuck to the BACK of his shirttail when we were at Miss E's piano lesson! Eeek! Not sure how I missed that or how that happened in the first place! Ah well....
Today we decorated butterflies to reinforce "B" one more time before moving on to "C" and the whole crew got in on the fun - here are their Beady Butterflies! Aren't they BeeeeUTeeFull? ;)
Miss A's
Miss E's
Mr. A's
and Mr. E's
Banana Split Freezer Dessert
5 days ago
Gorgeous butterflies! And what a cute little guy keeping up with his siblings by attending the school with them! To have learned "A" and "B" now at age 2 is pretty wonderful! Oh, hey, I LOVE the brown beans on the letter "B"--great idea!!!! And congratulations on your PINK news!!!!! Someone new to play with will be along before he knows it! :-)
:) Yes, Mr. A can't stand to be left out! Miss E learned ALL of her letters at 13 mos. - she wanted to know what every letter was that she saw so we printed out a page with all the letters on it and she carried it around with her and would periodically bring it to us and point at one and ask what it was. She started reading before she turned 3 and hasn't stopped yet! It's so amazing to watch them learn and to see the DESIRE to learn and to be blessed to be able to nurture that desire and their individual interests at such a young age. They are like sponges!
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