Sunday, September 28, 2008

Corduroy Inspired Quilt - as if I need any more projects!

I ran across this cute idea the other day and keep thinking about's for a "Corduroy" inspired quilt - who knew - I've read that book MANY times and never thought of it myself, but this lady did.

Now, to look at the crates of fabric I have sitting around and see what kind of inspiration they give me...then to actually do it...that's the key!

Here's a link so you can see what I'm going on about!

Corduroy Inspired Quilt

What do you think? Cute or not so sure about that?

I'm also considering just a patchwork cometh soon!


A Colorful World said...

It's an adorable quilt--really cute idea! It's so much fun creating quilts for kids and this one looks like they'd love it. It is so time-consuming, especially the actually quilting part, but a small quilt can be done easily on a sewing machine. Have a go, and then post your results!

Lok said...

super cute - go for it!